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Friday, April 27, 2007

New report from the Bronx

I received the following report and photos from Christopher, up at Fordham.

From: Christopher Lyons
Date: April 26, 2007 7:18:20 PM EDT
Subject: Rose and Hawkeye

Although I've yet to see a fluffy white head poking up, I feel pretty confident that I saw Hawkeye and Rose feeding newly hatched offspring today (Thursday).   For the last few days, there's definitely been that familiar feeling that something was up, when I was observing them.  

Hawkeye suddenly showed up (around 12:40pm or so), probably with food.   I didn't see him until he'd already landed.   Normally, he and Rose don't spend that much time together on the nest--either he leaves or she does--but this time he hung around at least 15 minutes, fascinatedly watching as Rose seemed to be tearing up some food item into very tiny pieces, and (I hopefully assumed) feeding those scraps to hungry little beaked mouths.  It was definitely a big occasion, though given how little time Rich Fleisher and I are able to spend nest-watching, I can't say it was the first feeding, if feeding it was.   It definitely reminded me of the last two years around this time.  

Although no chick was spotted until May 4th last year, Red-Tail eyasses are very feeble when they hatch, and barely able to lift their heads, let alone climb up to the top of the nest to look around.   Even in 2005, when Hawkeye and Rose were using a tree nest near the library that I could observe from almost eye level, I was unable to see the chicks when Rose first started feeding them, no matter how hard I looked.   It could still be another week or so before Rich or I can confirm their presence photographically, or begin to form opinions as to how many there are.   If there are any at all, of course.    ::knocks wood::

Rose and Hawkeye inspecting their nest (click to enlarge)

(Photo credit - Chris Lyons)

1 comment:

Robert said...


There is also feeding behavior occurring at the hawk nest at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. Four of us watched just after 7:00 Friday evening as Isolde provided tidbits to one possibly two nestlings in the bowl of the nest.

The timing is no surprise. I recall you posting a report back on march 20-21 that Rose at Fordham had begun to stay overnight in the nest, and that was within a day or so of when it looked like Isolde at the Cathedral began to do likewise.

Given the location of the Cathedral nest, I would suspect that it will, like the Fordham nest, not be until May 4 or even later that we get a glimpse of a fuzzy little head peeking out.
