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Monday, January 19, 2015

Upcoming Nature Trips

Below is a list of upcoming nature trips by local birding/conservation groups for the weekend of Saturday, January 24, 2015 to Sunday, January 25, 2015:

Audubon Center in Prospect Park
Saturday, January 24, 2015, 12 PM – 1 PM
Introduction to Birdwatching
Look! Up in the sky, it’s a bird! But what kind of bird is it? Join the Prospect Park Alliance to learn about the magnificent array of birds that call Prospect Park home. Led by the Brooklyn Bird Club.


Brooklyn Bird Club
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Coney Island to Norton Point walk
Leader: Rob Jett a.k.a "The City Birder"
Focus: coastal species, waterbirds, gulls
Registrar: Janet Schumacher, email or cell: 718-594-7480
Registration period: Jan 13th-22nd
Note: Coney Island shore walk. Distance to Norton Pt from Stillwell Ave terminus subway hub is about 1 ½ miles; limit 15 registrants.


Linnaean Society of New York
Saturday, January 24, 2015 (rain date January 25)
Croton Point Park
Leader: Paul Keim
Registrar: Anne Lazarus – or 212-673-9059
Registration opens: Monday, January 12
Public transportation


New York Botanical Garden (Bronx)
Saturday, January 24, 2014
Debbie Becker leads a free bird walk at the Garden every Saturday from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. beginning at the Reflecting Pool in the Leon Levy Visitor Center


New York City Audubon Society
Saturday, January 24, 2015, 8:45am – 3:45pm
Winter Eagles on the Hudson
Guide: Gabriel Willow
Join NYC Audubon for one of the most incredible avian spectacles in NY: a search for Bald Eagles wintering along the Hudson River. They gather to feed and rest on the frozen river by the dozens or even hundreds. We will travel in comfort, taking Metro North to Croton Point Park, where we will look for eagles near the train station before hiking up to Croton Point Park, which can also host wintering Short-eared Owls, Snowy Owls, Snow Buntings, Horned Larks, and other cold-weather specialties. The walk is about two miles over easy terrain. Dress for cold weather. Limited to 20. Meet at the clock in Grand Central Station at 8:45 for a 9:20 departure.
Round-trip Metro North fare ($19.50) not included in trip price. $53 (37)
Click here to register

Sunday, January 25, 2015, 12pm – 2pm
Winter EcoCruise
Guide: NYC Audubon Guide Meet at South Street Seaport’s Pier 17 and come aboard NY Water Taxi’s eco-friendly vessel for a winter adventure in New York Harbor! Look for harbor seals on the rocky shores of Governor’s Island and the more remote Hoffman and Swinburne Islands. Learn about the surprisingly diverse winter birds of New York City, including ducks, geese, loons, and sandpipers, many of which migrate south from the Arctic. See the Statue of Liberty and pass under the Verrazano Bridge. Dress warmly! . Limited to 90.
To register, contact New York Water Taxi at 212-742-1969 or $35 for adults; $25 for children under 12; $105 for family pack for 2 adults and 2 children


Urban Park Rangers
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Introduction to Bird Watching at Audubon Center at the Boathouse (in Prospect Park), Brooklyn
12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m.
Look! Up in the sky, it’s a bird! But what kind of bird is it? Join the Prospect Park Alliance to learn about the magnificent array of birds that call Prospect Park home.

Sunday, January 25, 2015
Birding: Winter Waterfowl at Comfort station near Eton Place and Richmond Avenue (in Willowbrook Park), Staten Island
11:00 a.m.
New York City is home to an amazing abundance of wildlife. Our Rangers will guide you to the best wildlife viewing spots in the urban jungle. We offer birding programs…

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