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Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Red-tailed Hawk updates

Here is a brief update of the progress of some of New York City's nesting Red-tailed Hawks.

Beginning with the earliest dates in my corner of Brooklyn:

Big Mama and Junior, in Green-Wood Cemetery, began incubating around March 18th. We will see signs of hatchlings between April 17th and April 22nd.

Our new couple, Nelly and Max, started sitting on eggs on March 20th. That would bring the arrival of little ones to April 19th - April 24th.

Our second pair in Prospect Park, Alice and Ralph, commenced incubation around March 28th, bringing "chick day" to April 27th to May 5th.

D. Bruce Yolton has Manhattan updates on his Urban Hawks blog. He recently checked on the confirmed nests at Inwood Hill Park, Highbridge Park, Lower Riverside Park, Fifth Avenue and 888 Seventh Avenue. All seems to be going well for those pairs.

Jim O'Brien's Origin of Species blog reports that the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine hawks are not nesting this year. Construction on the cathedral may have scared them off. He does have information of a pair of nesting kestrels, which reminds me that I should check on the Park Slope pair.

I don't know about the "Unisphere" pair or other Queens nest sites. If you have any info, please post it in the comments. I also don't know how Rose and Hawkeye are doing up in the Bronx, but will fill you in as I learn more details. This weekend I will check on a nest I found over the winter in the Cemetery of the Evergreens.


Robert said...

The Fordham hawks seem to have moved this year, as reported by the Bronx Botanical Garden.

yojimbot said...

Looks like Charlotte and Pale Male Jr. are also nesting this year on 888 7th ave. Also the Astoria pair is back on the same nest as last year.

D. Bruce Yolton said...

The Unisphere pair is doing well. The nest has been moved to the Pacific Ocean on the Equator, south of Los Angeles.