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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Species found=123, Gas burned=0, Bird benefit=priceless

I completed my "Big Day" of birding-by-bike in one piece. I've been loafing today, editing my photos, creating Google maps and entering my sightings. The photos are uploaded, but I need to finish the text. Look for my complete wrap up tomorrow.

After nearly 40 miles of pedaling, uncounted walking distance and eating good-old-new-york-pizza as fuel, my carbon neutral "Big Day" of birding ended with 123 species of birds; that's one less than the Brooklyn Bird Club team, which consisted of four people in a car (sorry Peter, no dis intended).

Lots more by tomorrow, I promise.

by Rob Jett for "The City Birder"


Bluebird of Friendliness said...

Congratulations on completing your ambitious journey! I look forward to reading more about it.

Rob Bate said...

Thanks Rob, that's a wonderfully appropriate way to enjoy birding. With high gas prices and an undiminished love of the wild world, many more of us may follow your lead.