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Sunday, January 21, 2007

Hummingbird update

Despite an arctic blast that has had the temperature below freezing for a few days, I received the following good news:

"From: Norman Klein
Date: January 21, 2007 9:42:07 AM EST
Subject: Northport hummingbird

The Northport selasphorus (rufous) hummingbird named Ilsa is alive and well and happily coming to her feeders. She is at 21 Woodhull Place (red house fronted by three large norway spruces). Also had a low flyover rough-legged hawk which temporarily emptied my backyard of birdlife.

Happy birding!
-Norm Klein"

-Click here to learn about vagrant hummingbirds-


Rob Jett said...

RE: Hummingbird heaters.

Years ago, when visiting family in Arizona, we took a trip to the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. They have a large outdoor hummingbird atrium. Sometimes it gets very cold in the desert at night, so they had heat lamps all over the enclosure mounted above perches. They looked like the lamps above the french fries in a fast-food restaurant. French Fried Hummers anyone?

Danielle said...

I finally went to Norm's place, yesterday (Sunday) afternoon. Ilsa was very active, coming to her feeders every 15-20 minutes. The cold seemed to bother me more than her, lol.

Here is one of the few semi-decent shots I got of her. :-)