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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

St. Saviour's Church in Maspeth

(Photo credit - Christina Wilkinson)

As you've probably noticed, I usually refrain from political issues on my blog. I try to act as a neutral observer. In the last year I've written two postings that were exceptions to that rule. Here is the third. This issue impacts both nature and New York City history. It was brought to my attention through communications with the Juniper Civic Association in Queens. Below is an excerpt from an e-mail I received today, as well as, two photos and links regarding this important issue. If any readers connected with historical, religious or conservation groups have any ideas or contacts that might help preserve this site feel free to post your comments.

"Subject: birder and JPCA member
From: Christina M. Wilkinson
Date: 7/12/06 10:36 PM

Hi Rob,

I am the historian and nature writer for the JPCA and right now I am working on saving a 159-year old church which was built by the founders of Maspeth and is currently threatened with demolition. The grounds consist of 1.5 forested acres - a rarity anywhere in NYC. Right now the property is overgrown to the point that you can't even see the church (see photos)! In May, I noticed many migrating birds using the property. I brought this to the attention of the Audubon Society and they didn't want to get involved. [...]

Well, enough of my ranting. Thought maybe you would want to visit Maspeth one day. Besides the St. Saviour's grounds and Juniper Park, we have a "small" garden cemetery here that no one knows about called Mount Olivet. I have seen so many different species of birds there that people don't believe me when I show them the list. You should definitely check it out during migration [...]

Take care.

Yours truly,

Christina Wilkinson
Maspeth, NY"

-Click here for an article in LIC Alliance-

-Click here for an article in Forgotten-NY-

I will certainly pay a visit to the site and post a report and some photos, provided they don't sneak in one night with a bulldozer.

1 comment:

Walker said...

This sort of thing can't be thought of as distasteful politics to anyone who likes wildlife (or historic churches).

It is just so disturbing to hear of a race track on wetlands or a bulldozer on an old church property.