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Monday, May 13, 2024

Week 19 - Green-Wood Cemetery

Some more migrating birds, the first fledglings, a shift in flowering plants, more insects and a couple of breeding mammals complete the picture of week 19 in the cemetery.

A rise in temperature at this time of year can stimulate a sudden eruption of termites. These hatch outs will attract large numbers of hungry birds for an unexpected, short lived feast. I stumbled on one last week near Cliff Path. It is a brief, frantic moment for the termites as they use temporary wings to find mates, then loose their wings and return to an underground existence.

Gray Catbird

Scarlet Tanager

House Sparrow

Black-and-white Warbler

American Redstart

Magnolia Warbler

Blackburnian Warbler

The brilliant blooms of the Red Buckeye trees have attracted Rudy-throated Hummingbird, while the long grass of the meadows have been a magnet for migrating Bobolinks. Listen for the energetic song of the later from the edges of the fields.

Ruby-throated Hummingbird


The first fledglings are now making their presence heard around the cemetery. Dozens of young starlings can be heard making their decidedly less than mellifluous begging calls as they trail behind their parents.

Fledgling European Starling

The Eastern Redbuds have dropped all their vivid blooms, but other botanics have just taken their place.

Dropped redbud flowers


Blue Star (Amsonia sp.)

Several trees caught my eye last week, here are a couple of standouts.


Japanese Hornbeam (Carpinus japonica)

Tent Caterpillars may not be a favorite of gardeners or horticulturists, but they have begun hatching just in time for arriving Black-billed and Yellow-billed Cuckoos. Both species have a preference for this pest.

Tent Caterpillar

Finally, some of our resident mammals have had offspring. A few weeks ago I spotted a noticably full-pouched Opossum. Last week I saw one early in the morning with a fairly well developed offspring. I also had to rescue an orphaned Raccoon. We should be seeing some young Groundhogs soon.

Opossum and offspring

Raccoon kit

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