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Monday, September 06, 2021

Upcoming Trips

Below are the birding/nature trips for the weekend of September 11-12, 2021:

Bedford Audubon Society

Chestnut Ridge Hawkwatch
August 26, 2021 - November 24, 2021, 9:00am - 5:00 pm
Description:It’s officially Hawkwatch Season! Spectacular flocks of Broad-winged Hawks pass through our area in mid-September, but Accipiters such as Sharp-shinned + Cooper’s Hawks provide the most consistent flight throughout the fall hawk-watching season. Join us for Science in Action: Chestnut Ridge Hawkwatch to experience the miracle of raptor migration. Our data is combined with other Hawkwatch sites to create population and migration analyses that help us better protect raptors and their habitats. Hawkwatch takes place daily through November, 9:00am-5:00pm (weather permitting). Arthur Butler Sanctuary on Chestnut Ridge Road in Bedford Corners. Registration not necessary, but please abide by current Covid-19 guidelines based on your vaccination status.
Registration: Registration required by emailing Susan at or by calling 914-302-9713.
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Exploration of Leonard Park
Saturday, September 11, 2021, 11:00am – 12:30pm
Leader: Steve Ricker
Description: Bedford Audubon is pleased to partner with Mount Kisco Recreation for an Exploration of Nature at Leonard Park. Naturalist Tait Johansson will be there to point out birds, butterflies, dragonflies, and other wildlife in this family-friendly casual drop-in event. Get close-up views of cooperating birds and insects through a scope or binoculars that we’ll have on hand, ask nature questions, and pick up goodies for kids and adults.
Registration: Meet at the picnic tables near the tea house. Cost: Free. Level of Difficulty: Easy. No need to register, but note that Leonard Park is open to residents of Mount Kisco.
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Brooklyn Bird Club

Prospect Park Saturday Fall Migration Walk
Saturday, September 11, 2021, 7:45am - 11:00am
Leader: Dennis Hrehowsik
Description: Whether you’re just starting out or have already joined the birding ranks, this introductory walk is for you. Join a member of the Brooklyn Bird Club to learn the basics of birding and search for the dozens of species that visit Prospect Park through all seasons. All levels are welcome.
Registration: No registration necessary; however, if more than 20 people show up we will split the group. Meet 7:45 am at the “Pergola” entrance on Ocean and Parkside Avenues.
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Introduction to Birdwatching
Sunday, September 11, 2021, 10:00 am - 12:00pm
Leader: A member of the Brooklyn Bird Club
Description: Whether you're just starting out or have already joined the birding ranks, this introductory walk is for you. Join a member of the Brooklyn Bird Club to learn the basics of birding and search for the dozens of species that visit Prospect Park through all seasons. All levels are welcome.
Registration: No registration necessary. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Please bring binoculars if you have them.
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Hudson River Audubon Society

Walter Chadwick Memorial Nature Walk at Lenoir Nature Preserve
Saturday, September 11, 2021, 8:00am
Description: Meet at the Nature Center. We will look for birds, butterflies, dragonflies and nature. We’ll end up at our hawk watch site at 10 AM in front of the mansion.
Registration: Pre-register with Michael
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Linnaean Society of New York

Alley Pond Park and Kissena Park
Saturday, September 11, 2021
Leader: Alan Drogin
Description: Alley Pond Park and Kissena Park are located less than a mile apart in Flushing, Queens. Together, they include forested hills bordering wide grassy spaces, small boardwalk swamps, brackish marshland, two ponds, two lakes, and an overgrown meadow—a great area away to visit from tourist crowds to hit during peak fall warbler migration.
Registration: Miriam Rakowski —
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New York City Audubon

Morning Fall Migration Walk in Prospect Park
Saturday, September 11, 2021, 8:00am - 11:00am
Leader: Gabriel Willow
Description: Join Gabriel Willow for a leisurely walk to get to know the fall migrants of 'Brooklyn's backyard'. Beautiful Prospect Park has a wide variety of habitats that attracts a number of both breeding and passage migrant bird species, with even more recorded than in Central Park. We will explore the Park's meadows, forests, and waterways in search of migratory warblers, vireos, thrushes, tanagers, waterfowl, and more. Limited to 15. $36 (25) per walk.
Registration: Click to Register
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Intro to Birding: Bird Walk in Marine Park
Saturday, September 11,2021, 8:30am - 10:00am
Leader: Tod Winston
Description: Are you curious about "birding" but don't have much (or any) experience? Come on a relaxed walk along Marine Park's Salt Marsh Nature Trail to go over birding basics and look for wading birds, raptors, shorebirds, waterfowl, warblers, and more. Binoculars available. Limited to 15. $36 (25) per walk.
Registration: Click to Register
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Van Cortlandt Park Bird Walks, The Bronx
Saturdays, September 4 - November 27, 9-10:30am
Leader: NYC Audubon
Description: Explore Van Cortlandt Park's ecologically diverse grounds and celebrate a long tradition of birding in the park. We will look for various resident and migratory bird species and discuss a wide range of avian topics.
Registration: Via Eventbrite
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Queens Botanical Garden Bird Walk
Saturday, September 11, 9:30am - 10:30am
Leader: NYC Audubon with Queens Botanical Garden
Description: Explore Queens Botanical Garden in search of migrant songbirds and learn about the valuable resources that the Garden offers birds and other wildlife. Binoculars available. Register for one date or the whole series of five walks (walk-ins welcome). Visit to register.
Registration: Each walk limited to 25. Free (with Garden admission)
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Governors Island Bird Walk
Saturdays, July 10-October 30, 2021, 2-3:30pm
Leader: NYC Audubon
Description: Meet the birds of Governors Island with one of our expert guides! Over 220 bird species have been spotted on the island, which provides excellent habitat all year round. Whether you’re an expert birder or a beginner, these tours will help you discover all of the bird life the island has to offer. Binoculars are available to borrow. Reserve your spot by signing up at Nolan Park #17. Limited to 10. Free.
Registration: Not required.
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Fall Migration Birding Tour of Central Park
Sunday, September 12, 2021, 8:00am - 10:00am
Leader: Kellye Rosenheim
Description: Join co-author of Birdwatching in New York City and Long Island, Kellye Rosenheim, for the perfect Sunday morning activity: birdwatching! Tour the best Central Park birding spots in search of fall migrants. Limited to 15. $36 (25).
Registration: Click to Register
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Fall Migrants of Woodlawn Cemetery, The Bronx
Sunday, September 12, 2021, 8:30am - 11:00am
Leader: Tod Winston, Joseph McManus, Susan Olsen with Woodlawn Conservancy
Description: Join us for a morning bird walk and tour of beautiful Woodlawn Cemetery: Tod Winston and Joseph McManus will help look for fall migrants and year-round residents on the expansive, wooded cemetery grounds, while the Woodlawn Conservancy's Susan Olsen will share fascinating stories about Woodlawn’s history and the interesting mixture of individuals interred there. Limited to 15. $36 (25).
Registration: Click to Register
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North Shore Audubon Society

"Birdability" Nature Excursion - TR Park, Oyster Bay
Saturday, September 11, 2021, 10:30am - 1:00pm
Leader: Jill Vomacka
Description:"Birdability" field trip for those who use wheelchairs, walkers, or canes, or who do not wish to walk far. Participants may stay in car and communicate via walkie-talkies, to be provided. Walking will be limited to wheelchair-accessible areas. Limited to 5 cars. Trip leader is Jill Vomacka - her car is a dark teal Volkswagen with birding steward signs on the side doors.
Registration: Please register via phone one or two days in advance of the trip. Call Jill's cell phone between 7pm and 10pm (516) 361-3288.
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Protectors of Pine Oak Woods

The 22nd Annual Little Big Day Bird Count
Saturday, September 11, 2021, 6:00am - 6:00pm
Description: Each fall participants spread out across the Island in an effort to identify as many species of birds and butterflies as possible within a twelve-hour window of opportunity. The daylong event generates data, a snap shot of the annual, south bound migration, which highlights the importance of maintaining open space across the Island. Participants are encouraged to visit our local parks and share observations on birds and butterflies.
Registration: For more information call Cliff Hagen at (718) 313-8591 or e-mail us at
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Queens County Bird Club

Alley Pond Park
Sunday, September 12, 2021, 7:45am - 12:45pm
Leader: Eric Miller (917) 279-7530
Description: This min-trip includes the forested areas of Alley Pond Park south of the Long Island Expressway. Meet at the east end of the 76th Ave. parking lot - see map.
Registration: Please contact trip leader for meeting time and location. Ask whether to pack a lunch or whether to plan on eating lunch out.
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South Shore Audubon Society

Hempstead Lake State Park
Sunday, September 12, 2021
Leader: Members of SSAS
Description: From the Southern State Parkway, take Exit 18 (Eagle Avenue) south to Field 3 (use second park entrance and make an immediate left turn.).
Registration: Registration is required by calling Joe Landesberg at 516-467-9498
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Urban Park Rangers

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Birding: Shorebirds at Salt Marsh Nature Center (in Marine Park), Brooklyn
9:00am - 10:00pm
What do Sandpipers, Oystercatchers and Stilts have in common? Join the Urban Park Rangers for a birding adventure and find out what makes shorebirds unique.

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