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Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Upcoming Birding and Nature Trips

Below is a list of upcoming nature trips by local birding/conservation groups for Labor Day weekend - Saturday, September 17, 2016 to Sunday, September 18, 2016:

Brooklyn Bird Club
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Fort Tilden Park, Gateway NP, Queens
Leader: Tom Stephenson
Focus: Peak of songbirds, swallows, terns, early raptors
Car fee: $12.00
Registrar: Peter Dorosh, or text only cell 347-622-3559
Registration Period: Sept 10th – Sept 15th
Location checklist:


Eastern Long Island Audubon Society
Saturday, September 17, 2016 – meet at 8:00am
North Fork Preserve
Trip Leader: Eileen Schwinn
Migrating song birds will be, hopefully, using the fields and water spots of this hidden gem of a park, to refuel on their journey south. The warblers will be a challenge to spot and ID with no helpful songs to give their presence away, and their fall plumages are usually more subdued - but we may find it to be an interesting walk! Ticks are always a problem, year-round, so be sure to dress accordingly, and bring insect spray. We will meet along the driveway entrance - near the open field, and begin our walk. For information, please contact Eileen Schwinn at, or by cell phone 
on the day of the walk, 516-662-7751.


Freshkills Park (Staten Island)
Sunday, September 18, 2016, 11:00am
Discovery Day
Experience Freshkills Park’s unique landscape and spectacular views at the last Discovery Day of the year. During this free event, 700 acres and eight miles of trails in the normally closed site will be open, with opportunities to explore and learn about the landfill-to-park project.

Visitors of all ages can bring a bicycle or borrow one at the park to bike across paved roadway, including a three-mile loop along meadows and wetland ponds. NYC Audubon, the Staten Island Greenbelt, NYC Sanitation, and others will lead educational walking tours and activities. Due to tide restrictions, kayaking will not be available at this event.

Free yellow shuttle buses will make trips to and from the Staten Island Ferry Terminal in St. George between 10:30am and 2pm. Shuttles leave from Ramp E, Taxi Stand. Parking will also be available just outside Freshkills Park in the lots near 350 Wild Avenue. From there, visitors can take a shuttle bus or walk or bike one mile to the main event area.

Presented by NYC Parks, NYC Department of Sanitation, and the Freshkills Park Alliance. Art programming at this event has been generously supported by the Shelley and Donald Rubin Foundation Art and Social Justice Grant Program.

At 2,200 acres, Freshkills Park is almost three times the size of Central Park and the largest park to be developed in New York City in over 100 years. It also has a significant history as the site of the former Fresh Kills Landfill, which was the largest landfill in the world before closing in 2001. Since then, the landfill has been covered with layers of soil and infrastructure, and the site has become a place for wildlife, recreation, science, education, and art. As the park is built in phases, free tours and events provide early access for learning and exploration opportunities.

Join the mailing list and follow @freshkillspark on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more details. For information about volunteering at the event, email

Sign Up at EventBrite


Gateway National Park
Saturday, September 17, 2016, 1:00PM to 2:30PM
Creepy Crawlies
The itsy bitsy spider is fun to learn about, and insects are too! Hear all about creepy crawlies during this interactive family-friendly program which includes a short walk.
You may wish to bring water and sun and insect protection.
Location: Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge
Fee Information: Free

Saturday, September 17, 2016, 7:30PM to 9:00PM
Full Moon Hike
Experience the park after dark and learn more about the nocturnal residents at the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge! A flashlight and bug spray are recommended.
Location: Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge
Fee Information: Free


Hudson River Audubon Society
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Lenoir Nature Preserve
8 AM Walter Chadwick Memorial Nature Walk
Meet at the Nature Center. We will look for birds, butterflies, dragonflies and nature. We’ll end up at our hawk watch site at 10 in front of the mansion
10 AM Broad-winged Hawk Migration
We will search the skies for Broad-wing Hawks that will be making their 4,300 mile migration to South America

Hudson River Audubon Society field trips are free. Non-members/ newcomers are welcome and are encouraged to join us as members ($20 introductory offer).

Bring binoculars and field guides if you have them. Some are available for loan for those who need them. Dress appropriately for the weather. For more information call Michael Bochnik at (914) 237-9331


New York City Audubon Society
Saturdays, September 3-November 26, 8-9:30am
Van Cortlandt Bird Walks, The Bronx
Guides: NYC Audubon, Van Cortlandt Park Conservancy with the Van Cortlandt Park Conservancy
Meet at Van Cortlandt Nature Center. The history of birding and Van Cortlandt Park are inseparable. Influential birders such as Roger Tory Peterson and Allan D. Cruickshank got their starts on Van Cortlandt’s ecologically diverse grounds. These walks celebrate the tradition set forth by these great ornithologists. Participants will look for various species of residents and migrants and discuss a wide range of avian topics. For more information, please call 212-691-7483. No registration necessary. No limit. Free

Saturdays, September 3–September 24, 10-11am
Birding Basics For Families: The Ramble, Central Park
Guides: NYC Audubon, Conservancy Discovery Guides
Offered by the Central Park Conservancy
Meet at the Belvedere Castle (inside the Park, mid-Park just north of the 79th Street transverse). Experience Central Park’s precious bird habitat and migration hot spot with Conservancy Discovery Guides and NYC Audubon. Witness firsthand how the Conservancy’s work has made the Park a sanctuary for birds. Binoculars available. Free, pre-registration recommended. For weather cancellation updates and pre-registration information, call 212-772-0288.

Sunday, September 18, 2016, 9am-4pm
Hook Mountain Hawk Watch
Guide: Joe Giunta, Happy Warblers LLC
Part of the Palisades Interstate Park system, Hook Mountain has commanding views of all nearby mountains ridges and the Hudson River. From this inland hawk watch spot we expect to see many species of migrating raptors, including broad-winged and red-shouldered hawks, bald eagles, accipiters, and falcons. Note: this trip requires a 35-minute hike up and down the mountainside. Bring binoculars, water, and and a bag lunch to enjoy atop the mountain watching the hawks fly overhead. Transport by passenger van included. Limited to 12. $99 (69)
Click here to register

Sunday, September 18, 2016, 9am-1pm
Birding Gems of Staten Island: Clove Lakes Park
Guide: Gabriel Willow
Meet at the Manhattan terminal of the Staten Island Ferry and journey to the ""Forgotten Borough"" to discover some of the beautiful forests and incredible birding spots at Clove Lakes Park. Look for ducks and seabirds in New York Harbor on our way across on the ferry ride and then catch a bus to the Park. Numerous warblers, vireos, tanagers, and other migratory songbirds can be seen here. We'll even see one of the largest and oldest trees in NYC! Limited to 15. Bus fare ($2.75 each way - please bring your MetroCard or exact change) not included in registration price. $43 (30)
Click here to register

Sundays, September 4–September 25, 10-11am
Birding Basics for Families: North Woods, Central Park
Guides: NYC Audubon, Conservancy Discovery Guides
Offered by the Central Park Conservancy
Meet at the Dana Discovery Center (inside the Park at 110th Street between Fifth and Lenox Avenues). Experience Central Park’s precious bird habitat and migration hot spot with Conservancy Discovery Guides and NYC Audubon. Witness firsthand how the Conservancy’s work has made the Park a sanctuary for birds. Binoculars available. Limited to 20. Age 5 and up. Free, pre-registration recommended. For weather cancellation updates and pre-registration information, call 212-772-0288.

Sunday, September 18, 2016
Freshkills Park Discovery Day
Join NYC Audubon in a celebration of the birds of Freshkills Park! From wetlands to woodlands to rich, rolling grasslands, the diverse habitats of Freshkills Park host a wide variety of migratory and resident songbirds, waterbirds, and birds of prey. Come along on a free guided bird walk with an NYC Audubon naturalist to experience the benefits that the restoration of Freshkills Park is having on local wildlife. Walks start at the NYC Audubon table at noon, 1pm, 2pm, and 3pm.
Click here for more info


North Fork Audubon Society
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Birdwalks with Rick
8:00 AM - Meet at the Red House at Inlet Pond County Park (map).

Join Rick Kedenburg for a late summer walk looking for late migrants and other species. Due to limited parking, we will meet at the Red House and carpool to Arshomomack Preserve on Chapel Lane. Rain cancels. For info, call 631-734-7144 or


North Shore Audubon Society
Saturday, September 10, 2016
Alley Pond Park
Leader: Lenore 718-343-1391

Walks are for beginners and experienced birders alike. Weather permitting, walks start at 9:30 AM unless indicated.
If in doubt, please call the trip leader.
Please note: all phone numbers are area code 516 unless otherwise indicated. In most cases, the contacts are also leaders for the respective walks. We would like to encourage carpooling, where possible.
Please note there is a $10 per car fee at Sands Pt. Call leader for parking ideas.
Schedule note: *** indicates 8 am official start time
*indicates new parking location


Protectors of Pine Oak Woods (Staten Island)
Saturday, September 17, 2016 @ 10:00am – 2:00pm
Forest Restoration Workshop at Sharrott Beach and Staten Island Beach Cleanup at Sharrott and Mr. Loretto Beaches
Cost: Free
Contact: Don Recklies 718-768-9036 / Chuck Perry 718-667-1393
Meet in the NYC Fishing Pier parking lot opposite the intersection of Hylan Boulevard and Sharrott Avenue to take part in the International Coastal Cleanup.

We will collect, separate, and record trash from the beach (and enjoy the view on the Raritan Bay!) Data from this clean-up will be used to monitor the cleanliness of the beaches and the health of our shoreline waters.
Protectors will provide gloves, bags and refreshments.
This will be the 240th Restoration Workshop and the 13th consecutive year that we have participated in removing hundreds of pounds of trash from our beach!
Community Service Credits are available.
For more information call Don Recklies at 718-768-9036 or Chuck Perry at 718-667-1393

Sunday, September 18, 2016 @ 1:00pm – 3:00pm
Discover Dragonflies with Paul Lederer
Where: Pouch Camp
Cost: Free
Contact: Paul Lederer 718-354-9200

Dragonflies have been a part of the fauna of this planet long before dinosaurs roamed the earth. Learn about the identification, behavior and biology of these fascinating insects. Bring binoculars if you have them. Participants will meet at the Greenbelt’s Pouch Boy Scout Camp at 1465 Manor Road by the totem poles in the parking lot. For more information contact Paul at his cell phone 718-354-9200.


Queens County Bird Club
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Alley Pond
Leader: Eric Miller 917-279-7530
Meet at 76th Avenue lot before 7:45
Please contact leaders at least 2 days before trip to let them know you are attending

Sunday, September 18, 2016
Hook Mountain
Leader: Bob Dieterich 848-468-7207
Where: 592 US-9W, Valley Cottage, NY 10989, USA (map)


South Shore Audubon Society
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Massapequa Preserve

All walks start at 9:00 A.M.
There is no walk if it rains or snows or temperature is below 25°F.
For more information or in case of questionable weather conditions, please phone Joe at 516 467-9498
For directions to our bird-watching locations, click here.


Urban Park Rangers
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Bird Walks at Van Cortlandt Nature Center (in Van Cortlandt Park), Bronx
8:00 a.m.–9:30 a.m.
About 230 different bird species have been recorded in Van Cortlandt Park and over 60 species breed here!

Bird Watching at the Reservoir at Main entrance across from the Vermont Place Parking Lot
8:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m.
Start your day with an early morning bird-watching walk led by the Brooklyn Bird Club

Green Neighborhoods: Richmond Hill at Lane S at Myrtle Avenue (in Forest Park), Queens
9:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.
Come volunteer for a special Richmond Hill Green Neighborhood event with the Natural Areas Conservancy!


Wild Bird Fund
September 17, 2016 @ 9:00am - 11:00am
Take a Walk on the Wild Side: Fall Edition

It’s time again to venture outside and see who’s flown back in town!
Please join WBF member and artist/naturalist Alan Messer on Saturday, September 17 (or rain date: Sunday 18th), to see the fledged young of our local nesting birds species, and the early fall migrants. Walk with Alan to Central Park through the Pinetum to the Ramble for warblers, thrushes, fly-catchers, herons, and early raptors including falcons and possibly Bald Eagles.

We’ll be meeting at the Wild Bird Fund (565 Columbus Ave, New York, NY 10024) at 9am SHARP.
The walk is $15; for members of WBF, it is $10.
RSVP required:

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