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Friday, September 19, 2014

Friday's Foto

The American Golden-Plover, while categorized as a shorebird, tends to prefer grassy habitats rather than coastal muddy or sandy areas. For that reason it is often referred to by birders as a "grasspiper". Breeding in arctic tundra, they have one of the longest migrations in the world. During the fall migration, most individuals fly offshore from North America's east coast nonstop over the Atlantic Ocean to South America. Some birds may fly continuously for more than 3,000 miles. Previously considered to be the same species as the Pacific Golden-Plover, the American Golden-Plover is slightly larger, with shorter bill and legs. In breeding plumage, the white stripe around its neck extends only as far as the chest, rather than to the tail as in the former. The IUCN Red list lists them as a species of least concern.

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