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Monday, February 03, 2014

January Birds

The counter has been reset and the process of hunting down Brooklyn's wildlife begins anew.

I think NYC birders became a bit spoiled in January of 2013 as we were experiencing the tail end of several, scarce irrupting species in our area. Back then I ended the month having seen Thick-billed Murre, Razorbill, Barred Owl, Northern Saw-whet Owl, White-winged Crossbill, Common Redpoll and Pine Siskin. Fast forward to this year and the selection of overwintering birds during January was much more typical and I didn't observe any of the aforementioned. The highlights did include a Red-headed Woodpecker, still hanging around Green-Wood Cemetery and several Snowy Owls, which continue to invade the Northeastern United States. I also managed to tally a few scarce gulls - Black-headed Gull, Iceland Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull and Glaucous Gull. Unfortunately, I was unable to find Shane's European "Common Gull". I finished the month with 98 species seen in Brooklyn, which is just slightly above my 5 year January average of 96.4, so I can't complain.


NYS Total: 104
Kings Total: 98

1) Canada Goose (Coney Island, 01/01/14)
2) Long-tailed Duck (Coney Island, 01/01/14)
3) Bufflehead (Coney Island, 01/01/14)
4) Red-breasted Merganser (Coney Island, 01/01/14)
5) Common Loon (Coney Island, 01/01/14)
6) Horned Grebe (Coney Island, 01/01/14)
7) Double-crested Cormorant (Coney Island, 01/01/14)
8) Purple Sandpiper (Coney Island, 01/01/14)
9) Ring-billed Gull (Coney Island, 01/01/14)
10) Herring Gull (Coney Island, 01/01/14)
11) Great Black-backed Gull (Coney Island, 01/01/14)
12) Rock Pigeon (Coney Island, 01/01/14)
13) European Starling (Coney Island, 01/01/14)
14) House Sparrow (Coney Island, 01/01/14)
15) Brant (Coney Island Creek Park, 01/01/14)
16) Mute Swan (Coney Island Creek Park, 01/01/14)
17) Gadwall (Coney Island Creek Park, 01/01/14)
18) American Wigeon (Coney Island Creek Park, 01/01/14)
19) American Black Duck (Coney Island Creek Park, 01/01/14)
20) Mallard (Coney Island Creek Park, 01/01/14)
21) Greater Scaup (Coney Island Creek Park, 01/01/14)
22) Common Goldeneye (Coney Island Creek Park, 01/01/14)
23) Ruddy Duck (Coney Island Creek Park, 01/01/14)
24) Red-throated Loon (Coney Island Creek Park, 01/01/14)
25) Red-necked Grebe (Coney Island Creek Park, 01/01/14)
26) American Coot (Coney Island Creek Park, 01/01/14)
27) Bonaparte's Gull (Coney Island Creek Park, 01/01/14)
28) Lesser Black-backed Gull (Coney Island Creek Park, 01/01/14)
29) GLAUCOUS GULL (Coney Island Creek Park, 01/01/14)
30) Downy Woodpecker (Coney Island Creek Park, 01/01/14)
31) American Crow (Coney Island Creek Park, 01/01/14)
32) Northern Mockingbird (Coney Island Creek Park, 01/01/14)
33) Song Sparrow (Coney Island Creek Park, 01/01/14)
34) House Finch (Coney Island Creek Park, 01/01/14)
35) Great Horned Owl
36) RED-HEADED WOODPECKER (Green-Wood Cemetery, 01/01/14)
37) Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Green-Wood Cemetery, 01/01/14)
38) Northern Flicker (Green-Wood Cemetery, 01/01/14)
39) Monk Parakeet (Green-Wood Cemetery, 01/01/14)
40) Golden-crowned Kinglet (Green-Wood Cemetery, 01/01/14)
41) Dark-eyed Junco (Green-Wood Cemetery, 01/01/14)
42) Northern Cardinal (Green-Wood Cemetery, 01/01/14)
43) Surf Scoter (Dead Horse Bay, 01/02/14)
44) Red-tailed Hawk (Floyd Bennett Field, 01/02/14)
46) Merlin (Floyd Bennett Field, 01/02/14)
47) American Tree Sparrow (Floyd Bennett Field, 01/02/14)
48) Savannah Sparrow (Floyd Bennett Field, 01/02/14)
49) Fox Sparrow (Floyd Bennett Field, 01/02/14)
50) Swamp Sparrow (Floyd Bennett Field, 01/02/14)
51) White-throated Sparrow (Floyd Bennett Field, 01/02/14)
52) Red-winged Blackbird (Floyd Bennett Field, 01/02/14)
53) Brown-headed Cowbird (Floyd Bennett Field, 01/02/14)
54) Redhead (Dead Horse Bay, 01/04/14)
55) Lesser Scaup (Dead Horse Bay, 01/04/14)
56) Northern Gannet (Dead Horse Bay, 01/04/14)
57) Great Cormorant (Dead Horse Bay, 01/04/14)
58) Northern Harrier (Dead Horse Bay, 01/04/14)
59) Sanderling (Dead Horse Bay, 01/04/14)
60) Gray Catbird (Dead Horse Bay, 01/04/14)
61) Yellow-rumped Warbler (Dead Horse Bay, 01/04/14)
62) American Goldfinch (Dead Horse Bay, 01/04/14)
63) Mourning Dove (Floyd Bennett Field, 01/04/14)
64) Horned Lark (Floyd Bennett Field, 01/04/14)
65) Snow Bunting (Floyd Bennett Field, 01/04/14)
66) Northern Shoveler (Hendrix Creek, 01/04/14)
67) Green-winged Teal (Hendrix Creek, 01/04/14)
68) Canvasback (Hendrix Creek, 01/04/14)
69) Common Merganser (Hendrix Creek, 01/04/14)
70) Wilson's Snipe (Hendrix Creek, 01/04/14)
71) Killdeer (Dreier-Offerman Park, 01/04/14)
72) White-winged Scoter (Veterans Memorial Pier, 01/05/14)
73) Red-bellied Woodpecker (Prospect Park, 01/08/14)
74) Hairy Woodpecker (Prospect Park, 01/08/14)
75) Blue Jay (Prospect Park, 01/08/14)
76) Black-capped Chickadee (Prospect Park, 01/08/14)
77) Tufted Titmouse (Prospect Park, 01/08/14)
78) Brown Creeper (Prospect Park, 01/08/14)
79) Hermit Thrush (Prospect Park, 01/08/14)
80) American Robin (Prospect Park, 01/08/14)
81) Rusty Blackbird (Prospect Park, 01/08/14)
82) Common Grackle (Prospect Park, 01/08/14)
83) BLACK-HEADED GULL (Coney Island--Seagate, 01/11/14)
84) Cooper's Hawk (Floyd Bennett Field, 01/11/14)
85) Field Sparrow (Floyd Bennett Field, 01/11/14)
86) Red-breasted Nuthatch (Floyd Bennett Field, 01/12/14)
87) Great Blue Heron (Dreier-Offerman Park, 01/14/14)
88) Sharp-shinned Hawk (Dreier-Offerman Park, 01/14/14)
89) Black-bellied Plover (Floyd Bennett Field, 01/19/14)
90) Dunlin (Floyd Bennett Field, 01/19/14)
91) ICELAND GULL (Coney Island Creek, 01/19/14)
92) Peregrine Falcon (Coney Island Creek, 01/19/14)
93) Common Raven (Coney Island Creek, 01/19/14)
94) Wood Duck (Prospect Park, 01/20/14)
95) Hooded Merganser (Prospect Park, 01/20/14)
96) Pied-billed Grebe (Prospect Park, 01/20/14)
97) Belted Kingfisher (Prospect Park, 01/20/14)
98) White-breasted Nuthatch (Prospect Park, 01/20/14)

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