During my Thursday morning tour in Prospect Park we experienced the best day of the Spring migration, so far. While it still didn't approach the intensity of a May big fallout day, we observed several new arrivals and a noticeable increase in species abundance. It made me even more impatient for Spring songbird madness.
A couple from Pittsburgh, who were visiting family in Brooklyn, came on my second tour this week and a combination of perfect weather and a good showing of migrating birds made for a perfect morning.
As we made our way from Grand Army Plaza towards the Vale of Cashmere it became obvious to me rather quickly that many new migrants had come into the park. Several phoebes were hawking for insects off the sides of the footpath, while a few Palm Warblers foraged for food on the ground and in the wooded understory. On my Tuesday tour I spotted only one Palm Warbler, on Thursday, however, I observed them throughout the morning pretty much everywhere in the park. There were also several Pine Warblers heard and seen over the next three hours, as well as, many Ruby-crowned and Golden-crowned Kinglets.
Another species that suddenly appeared in good numbers was Hermit Thrush. This relative to the American Robin is a half-hearty species and a few can normally be found surviving through the winter in NYC, usually near bittersweet vines or other fruiting plants. I had actually come across a few already this year. On Thursday we spotted two walking across the footpath as we approached the Rose Garden. Another one then hopped up onto the back of a park bench. A couple more were seen as we descended the stairway to the Vale of Cashmere. While I am certain that we will be seeing lots of them later in the migration, it became clear pretty quickly that Hermit Thrushes had arrived. Like most thrushes Hermit Thrushes have a very beautiful song that can best be described as a climbing scale that randomly changes key. Unfortunately I didn't get to hear it on Thursday.
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