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Monday, March 26, 2012

Upcoming Nature Trips

Below is a list of upcoming nature trips within NYC's five boroughs for the weekend of March 31, 2012 - April 1, 2012:

Audubon Center in Prospect Park (Brooklyn)
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Introduction to Birdwatching
Every Saturday, 12 – 1:30 p.m.
Explore the Park's natural areas and learn how to look for amazing birds.

Sunday, April 1, 2011, 8 a.m.
Morning Bird Walk: Changing Seasons, Changing Birds
Free See the birds that call the Park home all winter. Start your Sunday morning surrounded by nature!

Discover Tour
Every Sunday, 3 p.m.
Discover the Prospect Park you never knew! Meet birds and other wildlife on this walk, guided by a naturalist.


Brooklyn Bird Club
Sunday, April 1st, 2012
Birding the North Bronx border

Trip Leader: Peter Dorosh
Focus: early spring passerines, raptors, sparrows, late waterfowl, herons and egrets
Car Fee: $25.00
Registrar: Peter Dorosh, Email Prosbird [AT] or TEXT Message 347-622-3559
Registration period: March 20th - March 29th
Note: likely locations will be Twin lakes/Nature Study Preserve and Pelham Bay Park


Littoral Society
March 31, 2012 (10am-1pm)
Early Spring Bird Migration Hike at Jamaica Bay Refuge
Many birds return to the refuge early. We'll look for great egret, laughing gull, American oystercatcher, phoebe, osprey and more.
Leader: Don Riepe. Free (With NYC Audubon). Call (718) 318-9344; e-mail: donriepe [AT]


New York Botanical Garden (Bronx)
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Debbie Becker leads a free bird walk at the Garden every Saturday from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. beginning at the Reflecting Pool in the Leon Levy Visitor Center


New York City Audubon Society
Saturday, March 31, 2012, 8:00am – 9:30am
Van Cortlandt Bird Walk
Guide: Andrew Baksh or Urban Park Rangers. With the Van Cortlandt Park Conservancy, NYC Department of Parks and Recreation, and Urban Park Rangers. Meet at Van Cortlandt Nature Center. The history of birding and Van Cortlandt Park are inseparable. Influential birders such as Roger Tory Peterson and Allan D. Cruickshank got their starts on Van Cortlandt’s ecologically diverse grounds. These walks celebrate the tradition set forth by these great ornithologists. Participants will look for various species of residents and migrants and discuss a wide range of avian topics. For more information, please call 718-548-0912. No registration necessary. No limit. Free.

Saturday, March 31, 2012, 10am – 1pm
Early Spring Migrants at Jamaica Bay
Guides: Don Riepe With Gateway National Recreation Area Meet at the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center. Hike around the East and West Ponds and gardens to look for osprey, as well as returning ibis, egrets, oystercatchers, phoebes, and other migrants. To register, contact Don Riepe at 718-318-9344 or donriepe [AT] Limited to 25. Free


North Shore Audubon Society
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Alley Pond Park, 76th Avenue
Leader: Lenore Figueroa 718-343-1391
Walks are for beginners and experienced birders alike.
Trips start at 9:30 a.m. unless otherwise indicated.
Please note: all phone numbers are area code 516 unless otherwise indicated.
In most cases, the contacts are also leaders for the respective walks.
Click Site Finder for directions. We would like to encourage carpooling, where possible.


Protectors of Pine Oak Woods (Staten Island)
Sunday, April 1, 2012, noon to 3 p.m.
Protectors Semi-Annual Spring Meeting
Get to know more about Protectors and the projects we're working on. Then, dust off your binoculars and dig out your field guides as we brush up on field identification skills at this kick-off to spring workshop. Learn about the trails of the Greenbelt and how we can fit you up with a family outing next weekend at a natural area near you. Free admission and refreshments. Located at the Greenbelt Nature Center, 700 Rockland Avenue at Brielle. For more information call 718-751-6629.


Urban Park Rangers
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Bird Walks
8:00 a.m.
Focus on wildlife happenings in the park with NYC Audubon experts and the Urban Park...
Location: Van Cortlandt Nature Center (in Van Cortlandt Park), Bronx

Introduction to Birdwatching
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Look, up in the sky, it’s a bird! But what kind? Take a tour and learn about the...
Location: Audubon Center at the Boathouse (in Prospect Park), Brooklyn

Exploring Clouds
1:00 p.m.
Is our unusual weather part of a natural pattern, or are we experiencing a global change?...
Location: Fort Totten Visitor's Center (in Fort Totten Park), Queens

Insect Exploration
1:00 p.m.
New York City is home to an amazing abundance of wildlife. From falcons and salamanders, to...
Location: Belvedere Castle (in Central Park), Manhattan

Wilderness Survival
1:00 p.m.
What would you do if you found yourself lost in the woods? Do you know how to build your...
Location: Pelham Bay Ranger Station (in Pelham Bay Park), Bronx

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Garden and Conservatory Walk at Wave Hill
2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Join us for an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights. Photo credit: Wave Hill
Location: Perkins Visitors Center (in Wave Hill), Bronx

Discover Tours
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Talk a walk with one of our naturalists to watch for animals, and investigate little-known...
Location: Audubon Center at the Boathouse (in Prospect Park), Brooklyn

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