Last month the USDA released the first major update to their "Plant Hardiness Zone Map" for the United States since 1990. Used as a plantings tool primarily by horticulturalists and gardeners, the revised map has moved New York into a warmer zone. Apparently, milder temperatures has changed the options for plant selection in our state. Does this also mean that we will be seeing earlier blooming of Spring plants? We already know that migratory birds have changed their schedule. Anyway, here are a few signs of Spring that I've noticed over the past week.
Songbirds have begun their Spring courtships and many males can now be heard singing. Cardinals, Red-winged Blackbirds, Song Sparrows, overwintering Fox Sparrows and White-throated Sparrows, as well as, our resident House Finches, are some of the early amorous avian species practicing their sweet-sounding repertoires. Male Mourning Doves can be heard summonsing females to a nest site with their haunting "coo-OO-oo" call. Some are already sitting on eggs.
Look at all that broken glass.. :-(
Yeah, welcome to Dead Horse Bay! Eventually it will all be sand again.
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