On Saturday I took a break from the migrating songbirds to doing a little coastal birding. In addition to the shorebirds that are heading north lots of terns are now moving around Brooklyn's coastal habitats.
Heydi and I volunteered to help with New York City Audubon Society's IWASH project (Improving Wetland Accessibility for Shorebirds and Horseshoe crabs). Our territory is Brooklyn's Plum Beach. This narrow stretch of beach is just east of Sheepshead Bay and south of the Belt Parkway. At low-tide there is a fairly large exposed mudflat that attracts shorebirds, gulls, terns and Brant, who feed on horseshoe crab eggs. We'd gone twice within the last month, but only found American Oystercatchers. One time there was also a Greater Yellowlegs on the marsh side of the dunes. We were feeling optimistic that there would be a lot of birds around on Saturday morning. Low-tide would be at 5:36am. I set my alarm for 4am.
As we walked down the beach our optimism turned to disbelief, then laughter. We could hear lots of birds, but many were just hazy silhouettes showing through a curtain of cool fog:

There were lots of horseshoe crabs both on the beach and on the mudflats. Some of the crabs were flipped on their backs and helpless. While waiting for the fog to lift, we walked down the beach turning the crabs back over and pointing them towards the water. I used to think that it was ignorant humans that turned them over, but now I'm starting to believe that perhaps it is the larger gulls (herring and great black-backed) that are to blame. After a while, the fog seemed to be lifting a bit, giving us decent views of a few hundred Sanderlings. We could hear the shrieking calls of oystercatchers and the onomatopoeic call of several Willets.

The eastern end of the beach was clear of fog and the early morning sun was blindingly bright. Several Least Sandpipers scurried around the edges of the marsh. A few Black-bellied Plovers and Ruddy Turnstones walked along the beach near the marshes outflow. Large numbers of Laughing Gulls and terns flew back and forth along the beach. We spotted our first Brooklyn Black Skimmers of the year. As the tide began coming back up we moved slowly down the beach towards the parking lot, stopping to rescan the remaining flocks of shorebirds. Fog was again drifting in off the water halfway down the beach.
At Plum Beach our shorebird list was:
Black-bellied Plover,
Semipalmated Plover,
American Oystercatcher,
Ruddy Turnstone,
Semipalmated Sandpiper,
Least Sandpiper,
White-rumped Sandpiper and
Short-billed Dowitcher.
From there we went to Floyd Bennett Field, Dead Horse Bay, then ended our coastal birding along the west side of Gerritsen Creek in Marine Park.

There wasn't much on the grassy areas of Floyd Bennett Field for a couple of reasons. The Cricket Field and the small field opposite Aviator Sports was overrun with people and machinery associated with a carnival that is currently operating at this National Park. Any birdlife at the main grasslands was being disturbed by a cycling race, so we headed to the Return-a-Gift Pond to try our luck there. There was a grand total of four birds on the pond. All were Black-crowned Night-Herons. Heydi and her eagle-eyes spotted this tiny, boldly patterned
Eight-spotted Forester moth inside the pond's blind.

On the beach at the end of Archery Road we scoped a small mixed flock of shorebirds. The tide was still low enough that we could walk north along the beach to get a closer look. We flushed 5 Spotted Sandpipers. Eventually we got good looks at a flock of Black-bellied Plover, Semipalmated Plover, American Oystercatcher, Spotted Sandpiper, Ruddy Turnstone, Semipalmated Sandpiper and Least Sandpiper as they foraged on the beach near the rotting remains of a pair of wooden piers. I was surprised to count over 20 Ruddy Turnstones in the flock.
The walk along the northern-most trail to Dead Horse Bay was highlighted by a soundtrack of Yellow Warblers, Eastern Kingbirds, Baltimore Orioles and, my favorite, the sneezy call of Willow Flycatchers.
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