Last Saturday the city was buffeted by brutal north-west winds. Meteorologists reported 50mph gusts. I foolishly decided to bird along the coast. At times I felt like if I jumped up in the air the wind would carry me away. On Sunday I stayed away from the coast and looked for birds in Prospect Park. The decision paid off as Heydi and I found a rare winter visitor.
On Friday afternoon there had been a pair of male Ring-necked Ducks at the tiny opening in the ice on Prospect Lake, so Heydi and I met there at around 9am. A scan of the rush hour-like crush of waterfowl revealed only the expected species; Canada Goose, Mute Swan, American Black Duck, Mallard, Northern Shoveler, Ruddy Duck and American Coot. No Ring-necked Duck. Disappointed, we stood at the edge of the lake contemplating the next location. Then we heard an uncommon flight call of a bird passing overhead. My first thought was that it sounded like an American Pipit, but more trilly and chattery. After a moment, it dawned on me - it was the chittering flight call of a Common Redpoll. Heydi played the sounds off of her iPhone to confirm and it clearly was a redpoll. We really would have liked to have seen the bird, so decided to walk around the park checking likely locations to see if there were any more of these tiny finches with the red cap. Perhaps the previous day's powerful north-west winds had carried some flocks into the five boroughs.

I'm assuming that Merlins are particularly fond of redpolls because we had another interesting sighting in Prospect Park on Sunday. As we were walking across the Nethermead Meadow towards Center Drive I mentioned the "Merlin" perch near the end of the Fallkill Falls path to Heydi. As I've pointed out in past postings, a maple tree at this location is a favorite perch for overwintering
Merlins. On Sunday there were actually three of these small falcons perched at that spot, and surprisingly close to each other. I suppose when there is a glut of prey available that these normally aggressive raptors are more tolerant of each other.
Interesting sightings. And THREE merlins in one tree - wow! To be honest, I've heard a lot abt kestrels in NYC, but not much abt merlins.
Rob, That *is* an excellent day out birding. The 3 Merlins alone would've been a treat but first hearing and confirming the call of Common Redpoll and then seeing 1 and taking a set a wonderful photos is a great day indeed. is down for maintenance but my first find of Common Redpoll was early on in my birding "career" around 1999 feeding on a group of birches over an iced-over Pond at the SE corner of Central Park.
Keep blogging!
Ben Cacace
Manhattan, NYC
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