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Monday, December 14, 2009

Upcoming Trips

Below is a list of local trips for the weekend of December 19th - 20th, 2009:

Brooklyn Bird Club
Saturday, December 19th, 2009
110th Christmas Bird Census
Teams recruitment coordinator: Heidi Steiner-Nanz (718) 369-2116 (call early eve before 8 PM) or email (Late Fall registration)
Compiler: Rick Cech, email
Dinner Coordination contact: Mary Eyster email or (718) 768- 8432 up to 9 PM
Comments: Coordinator assigns trip leaders and participants, assimilating teams and establish starting points with team leaders. Please call early as possible for participation in this great event. Time is needed to plan and figure out the details. The count dinner is held at the Prospect Park Audubon Center. Help and assistance is needed for dinner setup. There is a $5 donation request for the event. See your field leader on the latter.

Protectors of Pine Oak Woods
Sunday, December 20, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Old Mill Road Walk
Park at the end of Old Mill Road, alongside the old St Andrews Church in Richmondtown. Do not park in the church’s main parking lot. We’ll stroll along Old Mill Road, a newly designed multi-use trail, next to Fresh Kills, below the hills of Latourette Golf Course, and turn right at the end toward Richmond Hill Road. We’ll see the flow of the famous Hessian Springs as it crosses the road. We may return by the Blue Trail with higher views to appreciate. This areas hasn’t been accessible for many years and is now open. We are surrounded by beautiful, lush woodlands where the very tall, state rare, Gamma Grass and American Strawberry Bush Grow.
Phone Sandra Mechanic at 718-967-1037 for more information.

Queens County Bird Club
Sunday, December 20, 2009, All Day
National Audubon Society Christmas Bird Count
Compiler: Ian Resnick
Time, locations, teams TBD
Compilation Dinner Time, location TBD

Birding on Staten Island
December 19, 2009, All Day
Christmas Bird Count
Call Ed Johnson for more information at 718-727-1135 ex 110

Urban Park Rangers
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Early Birding
8:00 a.m.
Join us for bird watching.
Location: Marine Park, Brooklyn
Cost: Free

How Animals Survive Winter
11:00 a.m.
Learn how animals cope during the winter and create your own craft. Ages 12 and under.
Location: Fort Greene Park, Brooklyn
Cost: Free

Advanced Hiking
12:00 p.m.
This one is for all of you hiking enthusiasts! Join the Urban Park Rangers for a long…
Location: Inwood Hill Park, Manhattan
Cost: Free

Wilderness Survival
1:00 p.m.
With winter right around the corner, what better time is there to learn how to survive in…
Location: Forest Park, Queens
Cost: Free

Astronomy Club
6:00 p.m.
If you have a May birthday, now is the time to check out your constellation in the sky.…
Location: Blue Heron Park Preserve, Staten Island
Cost: Free

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Early Morning Speed Hike!
8:00 a.m.
Get moving with a very brisk walk through Manhattan’s last remaining natural forest!
Location: Inwood Hill Park, Manhattan
Cost: Free

110th Annual Central Park Christmas Bird Count
8:00 a.m.; 2:00 p.m.
Take part in this annual citizen-science tradition started by ornithologist Frank Chapman…
Location: Central Park, Manhattan
Cost: $5 registration fee payable the day of the event (children under 18 are FREE).

Seal-shore Safari
9:00 a.m.
Discover the many different creatures that live close to the shore, including seals! Dress warmly.
Location: Pelham Bay Park, Bronx
Cost: Free

Duck, Duck, Goose
10:00 a.m.
As the weather gets cold, the birding gets hot. We will look for ducks and geese that…
Location: Flushing Meadows Corona Park, Queens
Cost: Free

Winter Wonderland
1:00 p.m.
Enjoy the stark beauty of Olmsted and Vaux's masterpiece in winter on this Ranger-led…
Location: Prospect Park, Brooklyn
Cost: Free

Making Tracks
1:00 p.m.
Learn how to identify animal tracks found in and around woodland areas. Make tracks…
Location: Fort Totten Park, Queens
Cost: Free

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