Another Section of Brooklyn Coastline
Last weekend I did some exploring on bike along the (in)famous Gowanus Canal. I ended up in Red Hook and checked out a tiny park-like area behind the Ikea, then down the Columbia Street Pier. Towards the end of the day I headed along the eastern side of the canal and down to the old Bush Terminal piers below Sunset Park.
The Gowanus Canal has a long and sordid past, but was originally a marsh and wetland. In 1776, during the Battle for Brooklyn, several of Washington's troops died trying to cross the Gowanus to escape the advancing British troops. Up until 1999, most people believed that merely dipping a toe into the canal's toxic soup was enough to kill you. Fortunately, an old flushing tunnel designed to circulate fresh water via Buttermilk Channel was repaired and the toxic sludge that had accumulated on the bottom was removed.
My usual perspective of the canal is from the "F" train as it crosses high above the water on the Independent Line Viaduct. Low, flat-roofed warehouses and factories lining the Gowanus are a favorite roost for winter gulls and I've been curious what other wildlife might exist around the Red Hook waterway.
Much of the scenery that surrounds the water is interesting, at best, and an eyesore to many. (For an excellent walking tour, check out Forgotten NY.) Starting on Butler Street, at the "Gowanus Pumping Station and Flushing Tunnel", then along the east side of the canal to Gowanus Bay I had limited access to the waterway. There were the bridges (Union Street Bridge, Carroll Street Bridge, 3rd Street Bridge and 9th Street Bridge) and two dead-end, trash strew streets (Degraw and Sackett Streets). Finally, the parking lots at Lowes and Pathmark offered wide views. From the edge of the canal one can scan the Independent Line Viaduct, the Gowanus Expressway Viaduct, a metal recycling plant, oil storage facility and cement mixing company. The next access to the water along the eastern route wasn't until I'd pedaled all the way to 28th Street and 2nd Avenue; over a mile away. Most of the canal route is blocked by large, warehouse-type buildings and "No Trespassing" signs.
It was low-tide when I arrived at the northern end of the canal. Water was flowing out of the flushing tunnel and Ring-billed Gulls were foraging in any exposed mud banks. Perhaps in the Spring I'll find migrating shorebirds in those mud banks. A small flock of black ducks and Mallards found food in the water near Degraw Street and dabbled in the flowing stream.

The Columbia Street pier is a public space that extends nearly half a mile into Gowanus Bay. It is the best place to view the water, as well as, the terminal moraine that slopes up from the coast to Park Slope, Green-Wood Cemetery and Sunset Park. It is the view that advancing British troops would have had as they pursued George Washington and his troops during the Battle for Brooklyn.

I rode passed the NYC Metropolitan Detention Ceter (aka "Jail"), where there is a very limited view of the water near a large parking lot. I saw Canvasback at this location several years ago. Maybe they were visiting a family member. The roadway in this area of old Brooklyn is treacherous for cycling. There are sections of remnant cobblestone and patchwork asphalt bisected by old freight lines. I've been waiting for all the snow and ice to melt before attempting this section again.
I need to be very clear about one small detail. The Bush Terminal property is accessible by permission ONLY. I, very naively, rode passed a guardhouse, waved at the security guard and kept going. He probably thought I worked there and didn't stop me. This is not something I recommend if you plan to explore the area. I have since returned, but with permission from the NYC Economic Development Corporation, the agency that controls it.

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