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Thursday, June 29, 2006


I spotted this little guy swinging on a strand of silk from my ceiling. Spiders don't bother me and I usually just pick them up and place them either, outside or in a house plant. I placed him on a windowsill in the sun. As I was closing the screen I noticed a green, iridescence glinting off of his body. I told him to stay and went to get my camera. It wasn't easy getting a photo because he is a "Jumping Spider". He was less than cooperative and I kept having to retrieve him and put him back on the sill. I wish my camera had better macro capability because the details on this creature (especially his eyes) are stunning. Enjoy.

Jumping Spider (Eris aurantia)

(Photo credit - Rob J)

-Click here for "Spiders Through the Scanning Electron Microscope"-

1 comment:

Karmyn R said...

I don't particularly like spiders - prefer them outside in my garden eating bugs - but I must say, this is quite a pretty one.