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Thursday, March 09, 2006

More hawk info from the Bronx

Since I've been unable to locate any active nests in Prospect Park I can at least enjoy the process vicariously.

"Subject: And still curiouser (more Red-Tail nests on buildings)
From: Christopher Lyons
Date: 3/6/06 3:44 PM

'Bronx hawk gets empty nest on Mom's Day'

After reading the Daily News article linked to this entry, I did a [map] search:

Bronx hawk nest locations

(Photo credit - Google)

The geographic proximity of the Creston Ave. fire escape nest from 2004 does make me wonder if that pair was sufficiently bothered by the abduction of their chicks to try moving east in search of a new territory for 2005. But it's not as if there's any shortage of Red-Tails in The Bronx, so it could just as easily be a coincidence. There was at least one immature Red-Tail hanging around the campus in Summer of 2004, but no way of knowing if that youngster made it to maturity, let alone whether or not it was Hawkeye or Rose.

And in fact, there have been many more attempts by Red-Tails to nest on buildings than we tend to realize, because we only hear about the successes.

As far as the Cathedral is concerned, I saw two Red-Tails (one immature) perched on the Cathedral in July of 2004. There are also peregrines and kestrels nesting in that general area. But I'm not sure how successful that nest was. Probably there are many failed attempts we never hear about, and maybe some successful ones as well.

Nest on Collins Hall

(Photo credit - Prof. Richard Fleisher)

No matter how many precedents one may cite, Hawkeye and Rose are still exceptional. The first pair known to have given up a successful nest-site in a tree for an unproven nest-site on a building.

Still wondering why all the reports of building-nests, successful or otherwise, are from New York City. Is it happening in other cities as well, and we're just not hearing about it?

Another photo of Rose & Hawkeye's nest

(Photo credit - Prof. Richard Fleisher)

Saw Hawkeye and Rose perched together this morning, on the large crucifix atop Martyr's Court. They both flew off shortly after I spotted them. I got the impression I had just missed witnessing some highly inappropriate copulation. (g)"

A big thank you to Prof. Fleisher for the use of his photos. Check out his webpage here.


John B. said...

I think that raptors nest in other cities as well, but just don't get as much press. I know that peregrines have nested in the past on the roof of the National Shrine here in DC. I'm not sure if they still do that. I do not know of any current roof top nests, but then I have not been actively looking for them. There has been for several years an osprey nest on a railroad bridge that crosses the Potomac; it's a manmade structure but not quite a building.

yojimbot said...

As far as the Bronx goes, I have seen RTH's overwinter in numerous parks including, Crotona Park, Van Cortland and various greenspaces running along the Bronx River. One early spring day in 2003, I saw 8 RTH's in one day in the BX. As for nesting it does appear that there are more that a couple of nests in the BX as it is my assumption that all of the juvy RTH's that I've seen in these parks are fledglings from local nests. I propose a great BX raptor count for 2006. Probably the best date would be in June sometime. Any takers?

Rob Jett said...

I'd be interested. Also, filmaker Fredric Lilien ("Pale Male") will be producing a new film about the other Red-tails in NYC. I just contacted him and will keep you posted.