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Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Injured Snow Goose

I contacted E.J. McAdams, the Executive Director of New York City Audubon, regarding an injured Snow Goose at Green-Wood Cemetery. Below is his response:


The Brooklyn Urban Park Ranger Seargent Anthony Prastaro is going to check on the goose and see if he can capture it. If it is on the water, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to get it without injuring the bird. Once he is on the scene he will give me a call. I will send you an email once I hear from him. If you have further questions, please give me a call at the office [...].


I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Starz723 said...


This is good news!! I will hold a good thought that they are successful in capturing him. That would certainly make my day.

I did see him on land grazing alongside of the lake. He is very skittish at any approaching movement though.

Its funny, the geese and the mallards will race towards your car and Mother Goose, thats my nickname for her, (the chinese goose who has been there for years)will actually tap on your window. They're so tame due to all the people that come there and feed them. Maybe that will give the snow goose a sense of security when humans approach. You can see Im really having wishful thinking here.

Im keeping my fingers crossed.

Marge H.