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Sunday, November 14, 2004

Staten Island birding reports

Here is the weekly report from the Staten Island birding listserv:

Subject: WESTERN GREBE, weekend reports
Date: 11/14/04 6:41 PM

Date: Nov.11, Noon
Wolfe's Pond
Ron A and John Stonick
Merganser RB (F)
Buffleheads (2)
N.Shovelers M and F at least 6
Ringed Neck Duck
Scaup Greater and Lesser about 60
pied grebe
BB Gulls many
Herring Gulls many
Ring Billed Gulls several
GB Heron flying toward the wooded end
Muskrat (poss. 2) swimming toward us. It submerged about 5ft. from shore when a radio controlled 18 in. boat cruised nearby.
Ron Armitage


DATE: Sat, Nov 13, 2004
PLACES: Great Kills Pk, Wolfe's Pond Pk
OBSERVERS: Eva Scripps-Callahan, Barbara Saunders, Dennis Guiney
REPORTED BY: Eva Scripps-Callahan
Tufted Titmouse
White-breasted Nuthatch
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Golden-crowned Kinglet
N. Cardinal
Great Blue Heron
A. Black Duck
Greater Scaup
Carolina Wren (h)
Northern Shoveler
Belted Kingfisher
Red-breasted Merganser
Red-throated Loon
DC Cormorant
White-throated Sparrow


Date:11/13/04 and 11/14/04
Locations: Conference House, Mt. Loretto, Great Kills, Wolfe's Pond
Observers: Seth Ian Wollney, with Dr. Veit at [Conference House Park], and Rich McGovern for GKP, Mt L. and [Conference House Park] (afternoon)
Reporter: Seth Ian Wollney

Out of 56 species, 16 sps were waterfowl. Highlights were pine siskin, and purple finch heard by Veit at [Conference House Park]. Also at [Conference House Park] were a good number of fox sparrows. Red-breasted mergs, bufflehead, rt loons and horned grebe have been hanging out at the Mud Flats in good numbers. A single dunlin was found at the Flats as well. Far off shore two northern gannets where seen flying over the bay. The am. coot and 3 hooded merganser that have been at Mt. Loretto were seen again today, along with a single male ringed-neck duck. The bird of the day was found in the afternoon at the Conference House!! An immature goshawk perched in a tree over the road, and afforded Rich and I great views!!

Today, 11/14/04, there was a single n. gannet seen from Crooke's Point. A juv. red-headed woodpecker was seen by my-self and five others this afternoon at Mt. Loretto...hopefully this bird will stick around for a while.


[Conference House Park] this morning:
1 red-shouldered hawk
Mt. Loretto:
1 Tree Sparrow
2 bluebirds

Richard R. Veit
Professor and Chairman, Biology Department


The WESTERN GREBE picked up from last year, resurfacing about 800 feet offshore at Wolf'es Pond Park. Access is from Cornelia Ave off Hylan Boulevard.
Also noted is a juvenile RED-HEADED WOODPECKER in Mount Loretto Preserve, in a cluster of trees at the end of the road leading from Brown's Pond.
Peter Dorosh
Brooklyn Bird Club

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