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Saturday, October 23, 2004

New York City Rare Bird Alert

There doesn't seem to be a reliable online resource for the weekly New York City "Rare Bird Alert" so I've decided to post it here. Each week, as it is sent out, I will paste it into my blog. If an online page becomes available I will add a link. Thanks to Tome Burke, Andy Guthrie and all the reporters for making this service possible:

* New York
* New York City, Long Island, Westchester County
* October 22, 2004
* 04.10.22

- Transcript
hotline: New York City Area Rare Bird Alert
number: 212-979-3070

to report sightings call:
- Tom Burke (212) 297-4804 on weekdays
- Tony Lauro (631) 734-4126 for Long Island

compiler: Tom Burke
coverage: New York City, Long Island, Westchester County
transcriber: Andrew Guthrie


Greetings! This is the New York City RBA for Friday, October 22nd at 5 p.m.


The Prospect Park immature PURPLE GALLINULE, usually providing very nice views as it feeds in low vegetation along the Lullwater, was still present this morning. The Lullwater flows into the northeast corner of Prospect Lake at the south end of Prospect Park. The bird frequents the 100 yard stretch between the Wollman Skating Rink and Terrace Bridge, and can often be seen from the rental boat launch area adjacent to the Wollman Rink parking lot. The GALLINULE does disappear for short periods into the taller reeds bordering the Lullwater but feeds on the lower green mats of floating vegetation, which can also be viewed nicely from the east side of the Peninsula. Other migrants seen in Prospect lately have included MERLIN, NORTHERN PARULA, YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT, WHITE-CROWNED, LINCOLN'S and FOX SPARROWS, and a few PURPLE FINCHES.

Asurprising fall migrant for Jones Beach was a YELLOW-THROATED WARBLER found Sunday at the West End Coast Guard Station area. The bird was seen feeding, often on the ground, on either side of the rest rooms building, usually in the flower beds, but also on the roof of or on the cement surrounding the building. This warbler, still present at least to Wednesday, is of the white-lored race albilora.

On Tuesday, a second YELLOW-THROATED WARBLER was found on the Point Lookout side of Jones inlet; this one was at the spoil dump at the north end of the parking lot at the Point Lookout beach club, the entrance to which is right across Lido Boulevard from the end of the Loop Causeway.

Also in the Jones Beach area, an immature LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL was on the east side parking lot at Field 2 Sunday, a YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT and a VESPER SPARROW were seen near the Field 2 dumpsters Monday, and a DICKCISSEL was in a Zach's Bay sparrow flock last Friday. There were still a few sightings of RED-HEADED WOODPECKER, in this superb year for that species, and an AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVER continues with the shorebirds gathered in Jones Inlet.

At Robert Moses State Park Saturday, a group of sparrows found along the northwest side of Parking Field 5 contained a DICKCISSEL plus single LARK, VESPER, and GRASSHOPPER SPARROWS, with the latter two still there Sunday. An immature AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVER was present for a few days, at least to Sunday, in the small vegetated circles in Parking Field 2 adjacent to the eastern side of the concession building. A YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT was also just west of the entrance to Field 2 Sunday. A CLAY-COLORED SPARROW was at Gilgo Sunday.

In Central Park there was a late CHIMNEY SWIFT Sunday and an immature RED-HEADED WOODPECKER at Cherry Hill Sunday and Monday. Sixteen species of WARBLERS last week included two CAPE MAY WARBLERS at the Pinetum, with one lingering there for 12 days at least to Wednesday. Other warblers featured NASHVILLE, NORTHERN PARULA, MAGNOLIA, BLACK-THROATEDS BLUE and GREEN, a BAY-BREASTED Sunday, BLACKPOLL Monday, BLACK-AND-WHITE, AMERICAN REDSTART and a WILSON'S Monday. SPARROWS included lots of CHIPPING lately and some WHITE-CROWNED. BALTIMORE ORIOLE and RUSTY BLACKBIRD were seen Monday and a few PURPLE FINCHES have been appearing.

Out east last Saturday, a GRASSHOPPER and two VESPER SPARROWS were at Nappeague, but only one COMMON EIDER could be found at Montauk Point. On Thursday at the now open Georgica Inlet there were two WHITE-RUMPED and nine PECTORAL SANDPIPER, plus two ROYAL TERNS, with a YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT along East Lake Drive.

A PINE SISKEN flew over Marshlands Conservancy in Rye last Monday.

To phone in reports, on Long Island call Tony Lauro at 631-734-4126, or on weekdays call Tom Burke at 212-297-4804.
This service is sponsored by the Linnaean Society of New York,, and the National Audubon Society.


Anonymous said...

Hi Robb,
Great blog.. thanks for all your wonderful observations.

The unknown mushroom is a pholiota (squarrosa?? squarrosoides??). It would take a closer look to be sure which one.

Alice B. (

Rob Jett said...

Thanks Alice. I figured that it was a wood decay fungi but there's just so many to sort through. Tom Volk has a great website for fungi with thousands of photos.
