Check out City Birder Tours, and Green-Wood sponsored tours on their calendar pages here.
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Monday, June 17, 2024

Upcoming Trips

Below are the birding/nature trips from Saturday, June 22 - Sunday, June 23, 2024:

Gateway National Parks

Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge Guided Walk
Saturday, June 22, 2024, 2:00pmm — 3:00pm
Leader: Park Rangers
Description: Join a park ranger for a guided tour of the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge and learn about what makes this space special.
Registration: Not required.
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Green-Wood Cemetery

Birding in Peace
Sunday, June 23, 2024, 6:00am - 7:30am
Description: Before our gates open to the general public, birding expert Rob Jett leads these peaceful early morning walking tours to discover the many birds that make Green-Wood their home—at least temporarily. From ruby-throated hummingbirds to over twenty species of colorful wood warblers, our peak migration tours will feature many of the 163 bird species that have been recorded at Green-Wood during the month of May. Beginning just after sunrise, we will experience spring’s dawn chorus at the most active time of day for birds.
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Linnaean Society of New York

Great Swamp N.W.R.
Saturday, June 22, 2024
Leader: Richard ZainEldeen
Description: The Great Swamp is located in Morris County, New Jersey. Its varied habitats host a diversity of wildlife. Ranging from open marshes to woodlands, the place is a haven for nesting heron species. Also, a variety of raptors can be seen soaring overhead, including Bald Eagles. Not to be outdone, passerines, such as several swallow species including Purple Martin, can be found within its borders.
Registration: Lisa Kroop —
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NYC Bird Alliance

Accessible Birding in Brooklyn Bridge Park
Saturday, June 22, 2024, 11:00am - 12:00pm
Leader: Alex Wang
Description: Kick off summer by joining us in exploring the woodlands and meadows of beautiful Brooklyn Bridge Park! Enjoy coastal views of the city and the waterbirds on the East River.
Registration: Registration page
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Let's Go Birding Together on Governors Island
Saturday, June 22, 2024, 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Leader: _____
Description: Celebrate Pride every Saturday this month on Governors Island! Let's Go Birding Together (LGBT) events are especially welcome to those in the queer community, but allies, families, and friends are also greatly encouraged to join!
Registration: No registration required. Free.
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The Parakeets of Green-Wood Cemetery
Sunday, June 23, 2024, 10:00am - 1:00pm
Leader: Gabriel Willow
Description: Explore Green-Wood Cemetery, rich in both history and wildlife, in search of spring migrants and its unique avian residents: the huge flocks of brilliant green Monk Parakeets that nest there. Native to South America, these charming immigrants flourish even in our harsh winters.
Registration: Registration page
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New York Botanical Garden Bird Tour
Sunday, June 23, 2024, 11:00am - 12:00pm
Leader: _____
Description: Join us and the New York Botanical Garden for some spring birding! Get to see some of NYBG’s diverse landscape and learn why this unique green space is such a vital haven for a great variety of species year-round. The tour will meet at the Reflecting Pool in the Native Plant Garden.
Registration: While this NYC Bird Alliance (formerly NYC Audubon) event is free, participants are still responsible for paying for Garden admission.
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Protectors of Pine Oak Woods

Clay Pit Ponds State Park Preserve
Saturday, June 22, 2024, 11:00am - 1:00pm
Leader: Don Recklies
Description: We’ll meet at the Nature Center at Clay Pit Ponds State Park Preserve, 2351 Veterans Road West, Staten Island New York 10309. (Be sure to use this address lest your GPS send you to the park headquarters on Carlin Street.) From the Nature Center we will walk Clay Pit Ponds Trail to Clay Pit Pond, passing through some of the Park’s unique pine barrens, then return to the parking lot by way of Abraham’s Pond Trail and the Green Trail.
Registration: For more information call Don Recklies at 718-768-9036 (646-675-5787 on the day of the walk).
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Queens County Bird Club

Nickerson Beach
Saturday, June 22, 2024, 7:30am - 12:30pm
Leader: Mike Zito (516) 507-9419
Description: The first part of this trip is Nickerson Beach, where we will view various species of terns, hopefully some that are rare to our area. Common Terns, which nest on this beach, will be abundant.
Registration: Contact the trip leader to register for this trip.
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Urban Park Rangers

Saturday, June 22, 2024
Birding: Hawk Watch at Avenue A and St. Marks Place (in Tompkins Square Park), Manhattan
11:00am – 12:00pm
New York City is home to an amazing abundance of wildlife. Our Urban Park Rangers will guide you to the best wildlife viewing spots in the urban jungle.

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