
Monday, April 01, 2013

March Birds

The month of March is when we finally begin to see significant seasonal changes. Wildflowers are emerging and the first of the early migrant birds appear. The past month, while fairly typical of the status and abundance of new species at this time of year, did reveal one incredible Western vagrant - a Varied Thrush. This "Alaskan Robin" appeared on March 7th and, as of this writing, is still present in Brooklyn's Prospect Park. Of the 14 Brooklyn year birds I spotted in March the Varied Thrush was new for me for the county. My two previous sightings of this beautiful thrush in New York State were in Central Park on November 30, 2010 and in Rick Flood's backyard in Penfield, NY on December 29, 2006.

Now bring on the Wood-warblers!


NYS total: 130
Kings total: 127

114) American Woodcock (Green-Wood Cemetery, 03/05/13)
115) Varied Thrush (Prospect Park, 03/08/13)
116) Wood Duck (Green-Wood Cemetery, 03/13/13)
117) Ring-necked Pheasant (Gerritsen Creek, 03/17/13)
118) Eastern Phoebe (Green-Wood Cemetery, 03/17/13)
119) Eastern Meadowlark (Green-Wood Cemetery, 03/17/13)
120) Osprey (Salt Marsh Nature Center at Marine Park, 03/23/13)
121) Boat-tailed Grackle (Salt Marsh Nature Center at Marine Park, 03/23/13)
122) Wilson's Snipe (Four Sparrow Marsh, 03/23/13)
123) Great Egret (Prospect Park, 03/26/13)
124) Pine Warbler (Prospect Park, 03/26/13)
125) Tree Swallow (Prospect Park, 03/27/13)
126) Rusty Blackbird (Prospect Park, 03/27/13)
127) Laughing Gull (Coney Island, 03/31/13)

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