
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Green-Wood Hawks Update

The storm took out Mama and Junior's favorite nest tree. It was a towering Littleleaf Linden at the corner of Linden and Atlantic Avenues. Earlier in the season the pair seemed to have been repairing an old nest in a cedar tree nearby, but soon abandoned their effort. Marge and I had searched the surrounding area and were unsuccessful in tracking down a new nest. I had promised her that we would get together and scour Green-Wood Cemetery until we found it. Turns out, she didn't need my help.

I was out of town over the weekend and on Sunday I received a very excited message from Marge. She was walking through "The Flats" in the cemetery when she spotted Junior flying into a conifer near Sassafras and Vine. When she focused in on the tree she watched as Big Mama and Junior exchanged places on a large nest. This is especially good news because, not only did she find the nest, but the exchange also means that they are incubating eggs. Like their previous two nest sites in the cemetery, it is in view of the huge antenna tower at Bishop Ford High School. The red-tails not only use it as a launching spot for hunting, but it affords them a great perch for monitoring their nest.

I still haven't figured out where Alice and Ralph (formerly of Prospect Park's Ravine nest) have relocated to, but I have received reports that Nelly and Max are still on their new nest at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden.

Here are a few photos of the new Green-Wood nest:

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