
Monday, July 29, 2024

Upcoming Trips

Below are the birding/nature trips from Saturday, August 3 - Sunday, August 4, 2024:

Bedford Audubon Society

Field Trip to Jamaica Bay
Sunday, August 4, 2024, 8:00am - 1:00pm
Leader: Tait Johansson
Description: This trip is timed to coincide with high tide at Jamaica Bay for the BESTshorebirding on the East Pond. During high tide, the marshes of the open bay are submerged but the East Pond mudflats are not tidal, providing foraging and/or resting areas while the waters are high outside. Wear rubber boots, or old sneakers and a change of footwear for later, expecting mud possibly up to above the ankles. We will be searching for Glossy Ibis, Great Blue and Yellow-crowned Night Herons, Osprey, egrets, and flocks of hundreds ofsandpipers and plovers of many species!
Registration: Cost: Free. Level of Difficulty: Easy. Registration required by emailing Susan at or by calling 914-302-9713.
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Gateway National Parks

Birding for Beginners at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge
August 04, 2024, 1:00pm — 2:30pm
Leader: Park Rangers
Description: Interested in birds, but feel intimidated about getting into birding? No problem, this is birding for beginners! Together we will take a nature walk, talk about what makes Jamaica Bay such a great place for birds, and give you the tools to learn the basics of bird identification and appreciation. Bug spray and sunscreen are recommended, binoculars available.
Registration: Reservation or Registration: No.
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Green-Wood Cemetery

Birding in Peace
Sunday, August 4, 2024, 6:00am - 7:30am
Description: Before our gates open to the general public, birding expert Rob Jett leads these peaceful early morning walking tours to discover the many birds that make Green-Wood their home—at least temporarily. In July we should see the offspring of our resident red-tailed hawk bravely preparing to leave the nest. Warbler songs will be replaced by chirring cicadas and the tweets of fledgling birds. Butterflies and dragonflies are abundant. By late-July, expect the arrival of the first southbound migrants.
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Linnaean Society of New York

Dragonflies & Butterflies, Brookfield Park, Staten Island
Saturday, August 3, 2024
Leader: Seth Wollney
Description: Staten Island’s Brookfield Park was once the site of a municipal solid waste facility. Following remediation, more than 17,000 trees and 76,000 plants were planted before the park opened in 2017, attracting migratory birds and butterflies to the area. Four marked trails provide excellent hiking opportunities, and a mile of unmarked trails can bring you all the way to Richmond Creek. We will experience ponds, rivers, wetlands, marshes, and meadows at this safe and serene mid-island gem. The walk will focus primarily on insects, but interesting birds will also be noted. This is a leisurely walk primarily on flat, wide, paved roads with small sections of gravel paths, with frequent stops to observe butterflies and other pollinators at nectar-producing plants.
Registration: Anne Lazarus —
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Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge
Sunday, August 4, 2024
Leader: Gabriel Willow
Description: The Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge includes over 12,600 acres of saltmarshes, freshwater and brackish-water ponds, upland fields and woods, an open bay, and islands. It is one of the largest bird habitats in the northeastern United States and a great place to observe the seasonal bird migration as well as resident species. This walk is scheduled for peak shorebird concentrations at Jamaica Bay and will likely include a visit to the East Pond, which may require mud boots to navigate comfortably.
Registration: Richard Davis —
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NYC Bird Alliance

Accessible Birding in Fort Tryon Park
Saturday, August 3, 2024, 11:00am - 12:00pm
Leader: Alex Wang
Description: Beautiful Fort Tryon Park commands sweeping views of the Palisades and the Hudson River from soaring cliffs of bedrock in northern Manhattan. Past encounters include a variety of birds such as Bald Eagles and Ruby-throated Hummingbirds.
Registration: Registration page
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Governors Island Bird Tour
Saturday, August 3, 2024, 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Leader: _____
Description: Nearly 240 bird species have been spotted on Governors Island, which provides excellent habitat all year round. Whether you’re an expert birder or a beginner, these tours will help you discover all of the birdlife the island has to offer. Binoculars are available to borrow.
Registration: No registration required. Free.
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Birding by Boat with the Bronx River Alliance
Sunday, August 4, 2024, 9:00am - 12:00pm
Leader: _____
Description: Join NYC Bird Alliance (formerly NYC Audubon) and the Bronx River Alliance for a special birding by boat event! This guided tour takes paddlers through the lower saltwater portion of the Bronx River (to the river mouth and back), featuring a duality of estuarine and urban habitat. While on the way we will get the chance to look at a wide variety of shorebirds, as well as other wildlife. Binoculars and other equipment will be provided.
Registration: Registration page
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Urban Park Rangers

Saturday, August 3, 2024
Birding: All About Crows at Hoyt Avenue North and 19th Street (in Astoria Park)
11:00am – 12:00pm
Join the Urban Park Rangers to learn more about crows, a highly intelligent and sociable bird species.

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